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Our COVID-19 Response

Children’s Hospital Foundation supported doctors and medical professionals are superheroes.

Their remarkable teams are taking extraordinary steps to protect Oklahoma kids amid the coronavirus outbreak. All the while, they continue to provide compassionate, skilled care to children facing monumental health challenges that have nothing to do with this virus, while continuing significant research. Our researchers and physicians continue to collaborate with each other and others around the globe to find the best treatments for children who may be diagnosed with COVID-19 and all other disease and injuries.

A message from Paul Darden, M.D., CHF James Paul Linn Endowed Chair in General Pediatrics: “We are in the process of getting approval for a project looking at the pharmacokinetics in children of already licensed drugs that are potential treatment in adults for COVID-19. Christine Allen will be the PI – it is through the Oklahoma Clinical Trials Network and the Pediatric Trials Network (out of Duke).”

Many people have reached out to ask how they might help. Here are a few thoughts:

• First and foremost, listen to the guidance of health officials: Practice social distancing and stay home. That’s the best way to stop the spread.
• For those who are able, please continue to give ( Diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease and asthma are stubborn. They do not take a break, regardless of the events of the outside world. Your donations are needed now more than ever so we can be flexible and innovative in caring for kids.
• Keep our patients, families and staff in your thoughts. Share photos and stories about physicians, nurses, other team members on social media and use the hashtag #ButterflyHeroes to thank and cheer them on. It helps to spread hope and joy during this challenging time.

We are witnessing an unprecedented public health crisis, and the days and weeks ahead will be hard. We’re fortunate to have exceptional specialists fighting for our kids today and every day because of your donations, love and care. And, we’re grateful for your unwavering commitment to Children’s Hospital Foundation and the children we serve in every county of our state.

Kathy McCracken
Executive Director
Children’s Hospital Foundation